

Hello Hapi People!

I'm looking at my calendar and its nearly the end of April - I can hardly believe it. This spring has been a beautiful one with wonderful weather here in Florida. Spring is always a time of change and this spring definitely has been a change in pace for me. Life has presented new challenges and delights that I have not before experienced. From challenges with my voice and school, thinking about the future, and having a serious and healthy relationship ... its a lot to take in. I believe though, that I let the challenges blind me from the opportunities and positivities in my life. I do try to look for the positives and blessings in my life. I thankfully have people in my life (who are blessings themselves) who remind me of them.

I think sometimes when you hear people around you say trite things about "silver linings", "blessings", "positivity" and other happy buzz words .... well, you tune them out. Yes, telling someone to be positive may be easy, but even in your difficulties, trying to see beyond the now or looking at what is good now can be such a therapeutic exercise. I know as someone who struggles with depression and anxiety, it is so easy to drown in your own misery and stress. If you can think of just 3 things that are good and positive in your life, it can help you just get through whatever task is at hand; work, errands, assignments, projects, chauffeuring the kids around, etc.

I challenge you to do this exercise I am about to demonstrate for you if you are struggling, stressed or down. I am going to make a list of "The Positivities". I know it sounds weird, but I don't want to call it the positives or pros because I know I will start comparing them to negatives and cons. I want my list to be about things that give me positivity about life - pure and simple. These things are listed in no particular order but, you can order them if you desire. Go make yourself and cup of tea, open a word document or get a pen and paper, and jot down your own list. Write down or type out your "positivities" and why they brings you positive and hapi vibes.

Share your Positivities below in the comments or make your own list and share it via social media with #g2bhapi+ ... "+" is for positivity. Hope you enjoyed this Hapi People.


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