
Quick! Help! I'm Stressin'!

Hello Hapi People!

Can you feel it? Spring is in the air, birds are chirping, flowers are blooming and .... STRESS IS HERE!!!

Spring can be a stressful time for everyone because a lot of events are happening. School is wrapping so students have finals and projects. Some people are graduating and moving on to college, grad school or higher, or going into the real world. Its tax season ... which speaks for itself. You may be looking for a summer job or trying to plan for the summer. Anyways, like I've said in a previous post, spring is a time for change and challenges. If you are like me, when I hear those words I think "Bring on the stress!" lol

I thought today, since everyone is experiencing their different struggles this time of year, I would make a little post about dealing with stress. Now I know what you're thinking , "Oh my gosh, I've heard this a thousand times already and no one has time to distress!" Just stick with me because I have some quick tips that you can use on the go. As someone who has dealt with major anxiety, I know panic can come on quick. My techniques can help you calm down to get through a situation until you can truly decompress. Say, for example, you have a big project you are doing for your job and your boss is hounding you or making last minute changes. These tips will help you get through the day.

I have scoured the internet for the latest information (credited links below) and I have compiled a tip list I call .... S.T.A.Y. H.A.P.I.  Check it out below: 

S - Singing or hearing your favorite song (or song you enjoy) can instantly take you from a stressful situation. If you can use headphones and listen, you can lift your mood and remove yourself from your stress. If you can't (maybe your boss is on your case), then just think about it - hum it in your head - and take yourself to your happy place.

T - When you are stressed its easy to look to food as a comfort. If you are at work, school, or on the go make sure you are eating and snacking healthy. Huffington Post recommends you snack on something that will fill you up - such as half an avocado, a handful of nuts or a hard boiled egg. Nothing is more stressful to the brain than lack of proper nourishment. If you do need that comforting treat and have a sweet tooth, you can also treat yourself to a little chocolate. ;) 

A - A quick way to relieve stress is to massage your pressure points. Massage Envy recommends massaging your shoulders, skull or scalp, neck, and your "third eye" ( the space between your eyebrows). I personally love a scalp massage as well as a hand and ear massage. Click "hand massage" or "ear massage" for video searches on massage techniques and find one that you like - then you can use it whenever you need. 

Y - When you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or just down on yourself - self affirmations to remind yourself that 'you are ok' can be therapeutic. Think of mantras or statements that you find promote your self-esteem. I personally like "I am OK, I accept and love myself" and "I am confident and trust myself" - I found these HERE on Pinterest.

H - Sometimes people can stress you out with the way they treat you. Insensitivity, negativity, nagging, fighting, etc. can be the reason for your stress or increase your stress levels. Sometimes the people in your life, regardless of their intentions, can bring you down. IF you find that you are in a negative situation with someone, realize that you don't have to be there. It is ok to temporarily remove yourself form a situation. If there are unhealthy relationships in your life, learn how to recognize them and consider what you can do to change them for your health. If someone in your life is bringing you down, try to talk about it and resolve any issues. If you can't come to a resolution or the person is clearly a negative entity in your life, don't be afraid to cut people out of your life. Embrace the fact that you cannot change people and some people are unhealthy to be around. This is a tricky topic and I do not claim to be a expert. I do know from experience that the only person who can determine your happiness and well-being is you. Check out this chart and give it some thought before acting.

A - When things are going your way and life is stressing you out, remember and appreciate the pleasant things in your life. Be thankful for what you have and don't forget those aspects of your life. Develop a habit of appreciative thinking and sharing of these things - such as your health, home, unique abilities, or even your strength through adversity.

P - In contrast to the haters we talked about above, not everyone in your life is hating on you. The people who truly care about you tend to be the ones that stick around during times of difficulty.  If you are stressed, appreciate the fact that you have people who are rooting for you. Reaching out and talking to one of your supporters can be a huge help. Text, call, email, meet face to face or even Skype with one of your Hapi People and share what you are going through. Also, make sure you let them know they are important and that you feel comfortable confiding in them.

I - Last but not least, in the midst of stress and turmoil one of the best things you can do is just breathe. The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) wrote an article on the science of breathing and how to breathe properly. Using proper breathing techniques can help you calm down and relieve stress. The more you use these breathing techniques the better you will get and you will be able to use them when you need quick relief. 

I hope it helps and that you guys don't get to stressed out. Let me know if this helps you :)



Credited Links:
Huffington Post : "20 Scientifically-Backed Ways To De-Stress Right Now"
American Medical Student Association (AMSA) : Scientific explanation of about helpful breathing techniques

Massage Envy BlogStress Creeping In? How pressure points can banish it.
WebMD : 10 Relaxation Techniques That Zap Stress Fast

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