
Top 10 Moments & Things that Make Me Feel Beautiful (not a girly post)

Hello Hapi People! 

It’s getting hot here in Florida and I am not feeling well … lol. I'm also running around and helping my boyfriend with his school's spring plays. (I think I have mentioned before that Zach is an elementary school music teacher. As someone who is studying music education, going to help him is giving me more classroom experience.) As I was saying, I have not been feeling well - I think its a cold or allergies. I know when I'm sick and feeling gross I like to do things to cheer myself up. I thought I would use this opportunity to share an idea. As I was browsing the inter-webs looking for post inspiration, I came across a thought provoking idea - when was a time you felt beautiful? I thought it was such an important question and cool way for me to share a bit about myself. I am sitting here typing and contemplating the question, "when have I felt beautiful?" … I suppose in order to answer that I have to know what beauty is to me, so I will answer that first.
True beauty, to me, is feeling at harmony with myself. When I am able to be carefree of other's opinions, not be harsh on myself, do something that I love and, or take the time to appreciate myself. I believe inner beauty and your character are much more important that your outer appearance. I know I enjoy makeup and such, but that is aesthetic beauty, which helps me feel confident based on societal standards. (Yes, I know … but its true right?) Sure makeup can make you look pretty and polished, but it cannot make you beautiful. Beauty is when you are your best self. I feel my best self when I am helping others, singing, giving love, doing what I know is right and being appreciated for it. That is what beauty is to me. 

Now that I have that idea in my mind, I can pick through moments I remember feeling beautiful. These moments I list are in no particular order, just as I recall them. My list is filled of moments when I realized or someone helped me realize that I am beautiful.

My List of 10 Moments & Things that Make Me Feel Beautiful
  1. When I spoke in front of my entire church in high school. It was a student led Sunday service and I had to give a message to the congregation. I personally love speaking and presenting ideas to people. I felt like I was sharing my heart and it was wonderful. After the service a visiting pastor and missionary came up to me told me that he really enjoyed my message. He also told me I should continue to speak as I had a knack for it. It meant so much to me that something I enjoy doing and what I shared could reach someone - even someone who was older than me.
  2. Moments I have accepted my depression and anxiety as struggles that have helped me grow. Its something that I have had to do more than once. However, knowing that my experiences have made me stronger and I can share them with other people so they do not feel alone has helped me accept my experiences. 
  3. Every time my boyfriend tells me I'm not crazy. I know this may sound funny but I am being serious. I honestly have spent so much of my life letting people make me think there is something wrong with me. However, knowing that the person that loves me see's me as perfect even with my flaws and doesn't attribute anything to me "being crazy" or "emotional" ... well its the way I have always wanted to be treated. Of course when he tells me I'm beautiful or compliments me it makes me feel beautiful and appreciated. 
  4. When I'm sing or dancing, without care. How can you not feel happy and beautiful in those moments? 
  5. When my parents tell me they are proud of me. Obviously pleasing parents is engrained in every child. I know that no one is perfect and not everyone agrees 100% of the time. Despite whether the latter is in harmony, receiving their support means the world to me. I recall at a high school graduation celebration my mother shared that she was proud of me and admired me for all that I had done. It’s a moment I will always remember. 
  6. When I accepted Christ as my Savior at age 6 and when I rededicated my life at 16.
  7. When I realized how badly I was being treated in a previously relationship. I know that sounds weird. However, realizing I was worth more than what I had given away and received helped me see I was beautiful. 
  8. When I take my time to get ready and appreciate myself. Taking the time to make sure that I am comfortable in my skin and bring out my features. I feel confident and pretty, in turn beautiful. 
  9. When I remember who I am or discover something new about myself. When life is challenging its easy to forget to remain true to myself. Those moments when I do remember who I am are definitely beautiful ones. Its also beautiful seeing who I am and learning about my own heart - better understanding myself. I am fascinated by personality quizzes, reading books and articles, quotes, philosophies, and other ideas that make me examine myself and help me see my opinion. 
  10. When I accept where I am despite other expectations. Life is a journey I'm taking one step at a time.  

Bonus: When I listen to this ... 

I hope you enjoyed my list of what makes me feel beautiful & beautiful moments. IF you don't want to use the word "beautiful" you can list what makes you feel confident, in harmony, or appreciate yourself. Let me know yours in the comments or my social media.




  1. I feel most alive when I am with my wonderful and loving girlfriend. Also, when I am making videos or recording a podcast. Being able to experience and talk about my passions is always something I have loved and getting to do that with friends is great. Great post today!


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