
Don't Stress, Just Eat That Slice

Hello Hapi People!

Happy First Day of June! I hope your Monday goes well. As a kid, simple pleasures like a Disney movie and pizza at home made me pretty happy. Now at 24 ... well it still makes me happy lol! The happiness comes from a different place though, and I wanted to share it with you today.

Let's start this Monday fresh with some happy nostalgia. (Fresh nostalgia, there's an oxymoron for you.) This weekend was interesting and busy for me. It included starting a new project (which I will share with you soon), birthdays, Florida heat, bath bomb making (I'm obsessed) and ... a much needed relaxing Sunday afternoon. I ended up just watching Mulan and Lilo & Stitch whilst eating frozen pizza with my sister. I know ... "Woah Amy! Calm down ... You're partying too hard!" Haha, actually it was really great to just relax with my sister and do something we did as kids. Watching some nostalgic movies and eating comfort food was oddly relaxing and refreshing - it gave me an odd sense of peace. I don't know if you have ever experienced what I am talking about, but I think its just the best way I can describe having a relaxing day with a bit of nostalgia.

I know some people associate nostalgia with living in the past, but that's not what I'm talking about. Having a little comfort when you feel down, exhausted, or upset can be a great remedy. Now, I'm not encouraging you to become a couch potato, but I am telling you to give yourself a break. I'll be honest and say I had a major emotional moment this weekend. I won't explain all the personal details, but life just got to me and I had some crocodile tears. Thankfully, my boyfriend doesn't mind his shirt being covered in makeup and tears. My point is that I was really down on myself. I felt self conscious about my weight, I was upset by plans not going my way, I didn't sleep much, told negative comments by others and my head was filled with negative self talk. I had enough - so how did I deal with it? I made some bath bombs for a relaxing bath and had a Disney pizza party with people who love me. Sometimes you just have to give yourself a break. Who cares if you can't please everyone, or that things aren't going according to plan? Life moves on, so have that slice of pizza because you are beautiful, amazing and fantastic. Even if you don't fully believe it - trust me I struggle. However, the more you play over in your mind those negative thoughts, the more negativity it produces. Whether your job is giving you stress, having relationship problems, self-esteem issues ... know you aren't alone and that you don't have to be perfect.

Have a hapi week friends and as always I give you my ...



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