
Nothings To Do - The R&R You Need

Hello Hapi People!

Yesterday, after a night of not sleeping, Zach and I decided to relax at my house. It was some much needed rest and relaxation (R&R) for both of us. Neither of us sleep well and Zach has been working hard to prepare for the upcoming school year. Anywho, we just watched tv, made pancakes for lunch, and spent time with my family. We both enjoyed it very much.

I am talking about this today because I think it is important to just take days to do nothing. I understand for some people that is difficult, as we live in a fast paced world and many people are very hardworking to support themselves and their families. However, I believe that for your own well-being you should take time to refresh yourself by doing nothing. By doing nothing, I mean taking a day to not do anything strenuous to your mind or body. Here are some "nothings" you can do to refresh; things that give you a break from your regular obligations of the day:

"Nothings To Do"

1.     Stay Home
2.    Make a cup of tea
3.    Binge watch a show or movies
4.    Have a spa day
5.    Read a book
6.    Cook simple meals at home
7.    Order delivery or takeout
8.    Do a simple craft you can do sitting on the couch;
like sewing, origami, drawing, knitting, crocheting, whittle wood or soap, etc.
9.    Take a long bath or shower
10.    Relax at home with friends or family
11. Meditate/pray

      All of these "nothing" activities give you a chance to take your mind off of your stresses and tasks. Doing something simple and mindless gives your brain a chance to refresh, your body to relax, and your spirit time to remember that caring for yourself is important. Remember this and plan a day for yourself to just do "nothings".

      Stay Hapi,

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