
De-stress Time: Bubble Bar Demo

Hello Hapi People!

I hope that my 7 Things You Need to Know for College was helpful. Make sure you pass it around to anyone you know who is in college! In that post, my last point was that you need to take care of yourself. No matter what stage of life you are at, we need to take time for ourselves. Today I have a great way to relax when school, work, or just life has you stressed. The classic bubble bath is a great way to relax and take some time for yourself. I am a bath addict and you probably know that I'm a sucker for a luxurious bath. However, luxury does not mean you have to pay luxury. I recently made solid bubble bars, like that from LUSH. It takes a little time, but the bubble bars are easier to make that bath bombs and they give you HUGE amounts of bubbles! Below I will have the video tutorial (by the lovely Hayley Williams on YouTube) I used to make my bars and a video of me demonstrating the bars I made. I hope you enjoy and try this out for yourself. It is a great way to make a luxurious bath item for cheap and you can customize your scent. Make your own bubble bars, store them in a dry place, and you can have a bath anytime you need it.

This is the tutorial video that I based my recipe for my bars. The only thing I do differently than Hayley is that I do not use cornstarch, but you can if you choose. The ingredients are mostly available in your local grocery store or Walmart, but the SLSA will only be available online unless you know a specialty soap or chemical store. I bought mine at and you can also find it on Amazon. A little goes a long way and it is definitely worth the money.

This is a short clip of me using my bubble bars. I made mine blue and pink. I used half a bar for a bath and made about 5 bars from the tutorial recipe, so I got about 10 baths worth of product. So many bubbles!

Every time I have made bath bombs or bubble bars, I always get a unique product. It is all chemistry and the ingredients are environmentally sensitive, a.k.a. the end result may not be dry because it was humid outside that day. Always gauge your recipes to your climate and preference. If you ever have questions about making your own bath bombs or bubble bars. Hapi Batheing!

Stay Hapi,

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