Putting It On The Line

Hello Hapi People!

I am sorry I am late on posting, my sleep schedule is all kinds of messed up. I just wanted to quickly share some thoughts with you today. I have been thinking of doing some things that would take me out of my comfort zone; put me out on display for criticism. I know that sounds vague, but at the moment I can't share these things. I wanted to talk about them though, because I am not sure I want to "put myself out there". Yes, I am afraid of the criticism and being told that I am not good enough.

Have you ever been afraid to go for something? It's something I have struggled with my entire life. As I have gotten older, I have taken more chances. However, I am still very afraid to do many things for fear of failing - maybe it's a perfectionist thing, I don't know. Let me know if you have ever been presented with this dilemma; did you or did you not "go for it"?

Hope your week is going well.

Stay Hapi,

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